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Experts in: Molecular dynamics and particle methods

Lewis, Laurent J.

LEWIS, Laurent J.

Professeur émérite

My research program examines the general theme of computational physics of materials. We use powerful computers to probe the structural and other behaviour and properties of materials, and the "structure-function" relationship. Our preferred approach is molecular dynamics, which involves integrating the equations of motion of a system of atoms under the effect of forces from "potentials"; they may be generic (Lennard-Jones, for instance), empirical or semi-empirical, or even ab initio. The size of the systems depends on the potential used and varies from tens or hundreds of atoms to several million.

We study a vast range of problems, but we are particularly interested in the following ones, just as an example: (i) laser ablation and laser-material interactions; in this case we are trying to understand how matter reacts to powerful, short laser pulses - ejection mechanisms, structural modifications of the target, properties of the ablation plume, etc. (ii) disordered, amorphous or vitreous materials; in this field, we are trying to understand the short-, medium- and long-term structure of materials like amorphous silicon, metallic glass, etc. (iii) thermal properties of nanoscopic materials; we are trying to determine how heat dissipates near nanometric structures and how it moves in molecular junctions between nanoparticles, in particular.


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Mousseau, Normand


Professeur titulaire

My work deals with the computational study of the behaviour of matter at the atomic level. I am interested in how proteins are assembled into neurotoxic structures associated with degenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. I also study the formation of nanostructures, such as the assembly of silicon nanowires under a gold droplet and the relaxation of disordered systems like glass and amorphous materials. All these systems are characterized by evolution at the atomic level over long periods, i.e. seconds or more. To be able to track this evolution, I am also working on the development of accelerated algorithms for following atomic movements over experimental times. The algorithms developed in my group are among the most efficient in the world, allowing us to study phenomena that are otherwise not easily accessible.

I am also interested in energy and natural resources issues, from shale gas and crude oil to mining resources. I have published a number of books for the general public on the topic, and supervised some students in this field.

In addition, I host a popular science program called La Grande Équation, broadcast on Radio Ville-Marie.

Lastly, I hold the Canada Research Chair in Computational Physics of Complex Materials.


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