Expert in: Density functional theory
CÔTÉ, Michel
Professeur titulaire
- Condensed matter: elecronic structure, electrical, magnetic, and optical properties
- Materials science
- Condensed matter physics
- Density functional theory
- New materials: theory, design, and fabrication
- Batteries
- Superconductivity
- Energy storage technologies
- Nanoscale materials and structures: fabrication and characterization
- Electron-phonon interactions
- Graphene
My research activities focus on the application of quantum mechanics for calculating material properties. I am interested in several fields, but at present I am concentrating on developing new organic materials for photovoltaic applications, understanding high-temperature superconductor properties using the ab initio approach, and studying nanomaterials such as nanotubes.
I use a theoretical approach that calls on supercomputer capacities to simulate the materials studied. These methods are on the cutting edge of recent developments, like density-functional theory and methods based on Green's function.