Graduate programs
Hone your knowledge of physics. Choose a master’s with or without an option. Excited about doing research?
Pursue your studies at the doctoral level.
Our programs
Refer to the Guide for graduate students (in French) and the Graduate syllabi (in French) for more information.
Job outlook
There is a wide variety of career possibilities in physics. You might decide to teach at a CEGEP or university, of course, or do research in a government centre or work for a high-tech firm.
For example:
- Astronomer
- Medical physicist at a radio-oncology centre
- Systems engineer at a numerical computation research centre
- Researcher with an optoelectronics firm
- Meteorologist
- Information design project manager
- Programmer-analyst specializing in scientific programming
- Science journalist
There are all kinds of careers open to you! Just look at the directory of employers drawn up by the Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP) to see all the career options.