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Atomic to cosmic scales: reducing thermal noise in gravitational wave detectors - Riccardo Bassiri (LIGO)

Atomic to cosmic scales: reducing thermal noise in gravitational wave detectorsRiccardo BassiriSenior Research Scientist, Stanford LIGO GroupDeputy Director, LSC Center for Coatings Research

Abstract: The detections of gravitational waves from coalescing black holes and neutron stars by the Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo detectors has launched the new era of gravitational wave astronomy. Increasing the sensitivity of the detectors several times would increase the number of gravitational waves and the types of events observed. Therefore, an international research effort is currently underway to increase the sensitivity of future generations of gravitational wave detectors, such as Advanced LIGO +, by addressing the dominant noise source limiting their performance: thermal noise in the amorphous dielectric mirror coatings used in the detector optics.

The development of mirrors with low thermal noise requires progress in the understanding of the physics of mechanical losses in amorphous materials, and how these relate to growth parameters and structure. This presentation will provide an overview of the ongoing research to identify lower mechanical loss. Recent results will be presented from X-ray scattering combined with atomic modeling, which aim to understand the nature of the two-level-systems thought to be responsible for the observed mechanical loss, test strategies to reduce it, and inform the design of new coating materials for manufacturers to develop.

Bio: Dr. Bassiri co-ordinates the materials research efforts of the group. His research focuses on studying the materials used in the gravitational wave detector optics, for both current and future generations of detectors. Dr. Bassiri also holds an Honorary Research Fellow position at the University of Glasgow, Scotland.

To know more about this speaker, we can consult his web page at the Stanford LIGO group.

Cette conférence est présentée par le RQMP Versant Nord du Département de physique de l'Université de Montréal et de Génie physique de la Polytechnique.

Emplacement : 5155, chemin de la rampe amphithéatre (salle 1035) Montréal H3T 2B2 QC Canada