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Quantum Innovation (QuIN) Laboratory - Na Young Kim (Waterloo U)

Conférence présentée par Na Young Kim, Waterloo University

Résumé :We in modern society are beneficiaries of advanced electronics, photonics and the combination of two. As an effort to develop new platforms of electronics, photonics and optoelectronics harnessing quantum nature, I have studied transport properties of carbon nanotubes, where long-range interaction plays a significant role. In photonics domain, I have been studying exciton-polaritons in a quantum-well-microcavity structure, where dynamical macroscopic condensation emerges via stimulated scattering process arising from exchange interactions. Here I present the lessons from the study of carbon nanotubes and exciton-polaritons, and I give perspectives of the next actions for future in my and-new QuIN Lab at University of Waterloo.

 Le café est servi dès 11h30.

Emplacement : 2900, chemin de la Tour G-715 Montréal H3T 1J6 QC Canada