The 'Scientific Writing for Young Astronomers' Project - Chris Sterken (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
'Scientific Writing for Young Astronomers' (SWYA) is a series of schools on scientific writing that was set up in Belgium in 2008. The purpose of the SWYA project was to teach young PhD students how to express their scientific thoughts and results through adequate and efficient written communication in peer-reviewed astronomy journals. The SWYA project also led to the establishment of a series of seminars in other places, such as Paris, Vancouver, Austin, Tartu and Christchurch. I shall present some examples that illustrate the four cardinal directions of the SWYA teaching, viz. the writing process, communication by graphics, bibliometry and ethical aspects. I shall furthermore give a short overview of what I have learned, and what are the pitfalls and difficulties in organising these schools (expectations of students, attitudes of editors, opinions of supervisors, etc.), as well as a short account of a quite unexpected bonus in teaching these principles to students in medical and biological sciences.
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