Topological phases in strongly correlated materials - Arun Paramekanti (UofT)
Topological phases in strongly correlated materialsArun ParamekantiPhysics DepartementUniversity of Toronto
Abstract: Theory and experiments have discovered new topological band structures in avariety of weakly correlated materials. Extending these concepts to phases ofstrongly interacting fermions also remains an active research area. I willdiscuss some of the ideas which are of interest in the field, such as studyingoxide heterostructures, exploring correlated variants of topological bandstructures, melting of non-coplanar magnetic orders to induce topological order,and using strain to obtain Landau-type levels in nodal superconductors.
Bio: Education: Ph. D. Physics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India (2001), B. Tech., Engineering Physics, IIT Bombay (1994); Employment: Associate Professor, University of Toronto (2010-), Assistant Professor, University of Toronto (2005-2010), Postdoctoral fellow, University of California Berkeley (2004-2005), Postdoctoral fellow, University of California Santa Barbara (2001-2004); Honors and Awards: A.P. Sloan Foundation Fellow (2006-2009), Early Researcher Award, Government of Ontario (2009), Connaught Foundation Award, University of Toronto (2006-2008), Geeta Udgaonkar Award for Best PhD Thesis, TIFR (2002)
Here the website of Prof. Paramekanti.
Cette conférence est présentée par le RQMP Versant Nord du Département de physique de l'Université de Montréal et de Génie physique de la Polytechnique.
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