X-ray astronomy in Canada - Luigi Gallo (Saint-Mary's)
X-rays originate from the most extreme environments -- those with the highest temperatures, the most intense magnetic fields, and the most extreme gravitational fields. Understanding these extreme conditions is strong motivation in the Canadian community. I will provide a personal perspective of the Canadian landscape in X-ray astronomy; considering where we have been and where we are going. I will discuss our recent participation in the JAXA-led Hitomi mission and describe our contribution: the Canadian Astro-H Metrology System (CAMS). I will conclude with an outlook on possible collaborations in international missions and toward leading our own X-ray mission.
La conférence est pour tout public et le café est servi dès 11h30.
Emplacement : 2900, chemin de la Tour G-715 Montréal H3T 1J6 QC Canada