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Interactions plasma-carbone : à l’origine d’une multitude de structures différentes - Xavier Glad (UdeM)
The hydrogen-deficient side of stellar evolution - Nicole Reindl (University of Leicester)
Gas Phase Drug Discovery: Physicochemical Property Measurements with Differential Mobility Spectrometry
Charge transport in action – or why Atomic Force Microscopy is much more than pretty imagesPeter Grutter, Physics Department, McGill
Discharges in liquids: applications for nanomaterial synthesis Ahmad Hamdan King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) Saudi Arabia
à venir Bobby Prévost, département de physique, UdeMcandidat au PhD
Bobby Prévost, Départment de physique, UdeM, QC, Montréal
Plasma-material interaction: From surfaces and cells to biomolecules