Ahmad Hamdan
- Professeur agrégé
Faculté des arts et des sciences - Département de physique
Complexe des sciences office B-4423
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, Physique , Université Libanaise (Liban)
, Physique , Université Henri Poincaré Nancy I (France)
, Physique , Université de Lorraine (France)
Education Programs
- Fundamental and Applied Sciences
- Fundamental and Applied Sciences
- Fundamental and Applied Sciences
- Fundamental and Applied Sciences
- Fundamental and Applied Sciences
- Fundamental and Applied Sciences
- Fundamental and Applied Sciences
- PHY2400 Physique des plasmas
Areas of Expertise
- Physics of plasmas and electric discharges
- Electric discharge in liquids and solids
- Plasma-material interactions
- Plasma diagnostic techniques and instrumentation
- Nanoscale materials and structures: fabrication and characterization
- High-frequency and RF discharges
- Plasma production and heating by laser beams
Responsabilities and outreach Expand all Collapse all
Activités au sein d’organismes ou d’entités de l’institution
Student supervision Expand all Collapse all
Modélisation 2D de l’évolution temporelle d’un streamer en interaction avec un liquide diélectrique à pression atmosphérique
Thèses et mémoires dirigés
Étude expérimentale et modélisation de la dynamique spatiotemporelle de décharges nanosecondes impulsionnelles en contact avec l'eau
Thèses et mémoires dirigés
Étude statistique de l’influence des paramètres expérimentaux et du champ magnétique sur les décharges sparks dans l’eau déionisée
Thèses et mémoires dirigés
Dégradation en milieu liquide de polystyrène solide par décharges électriques dans l’air en contact avec l’eau
Thèses et mémoires dirigés
Décharge électrique à l'interface de deux liquides : application à la synthèse de nanoparticules
Thèses et mémoires dirigés
Décharge à courant alternatif (AC) dans l’air et en contact avec l’eau : caractérisation fondamentale et application au traitement des eaux
Thèses et mémoires dirigés
Évolution statistique des caractéristiques électriques des décharges Sparks dans les liquides diélectriques
Thèses et mémoires dirigés
Décharges Sparks dans les liquides diélectriques : caractérisation et application à la synthèse de nanoparticules
Thèses et mémoires dirigés
Research projects Expand all Collapse all
Discharges at/near gasliquid and liquidliquid interfaces: fundamental investigation and application in liquid processing and nanomaterial synthesis Projet de recherche au Canada / 2023 - 2029
Lead researcher :
Ahmad Hamdan
Funding sources:
CRSNG/Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et génie du Canada (CRSNG)
Grant programs:
PVX20965-(RGP) Programme de subvention à la découverte individuelle ou de groupe
Regroupement québécois sur les matériaux de pointe (RQMP) Projet de recherche au Canada / 2022 - 2029
Lead researcher :
François Schiettekatte
Co-researchers :
Christian Reber
Sjoerd Roorda
Michel Côté
Richard Leonelli
Normand Mousseau
Antonella Badia
Richard Martel
Andrea Bianchi
Jean-François Masson
Luc Stafford
William Witczak-Krempa
Delphine Bouilly
Ahmad Hamdan
Nikolay Kornienko
Audrey Laventure
Philippe St-Jean
David Sénéchal
Nikolas Provatas
Louis L. Taillefer
Clara Santato
Fabio Cicoira
Lilian Childress
Michel Meunier
Ludvik Martinu
Anne-Marie Kietzig
Michel R. Wertheimer
Jolanta Klemberg-Sapieha
Jan Dubowski
Hong Guo
Mark Sutton
Peter H Grutter
R. Bruce Lennox
Michael Hilke
Paul William Wiseman
Guillaume Gervais
Bradley J. Siwick
Edward Sacher
Arthur Yelon
David Ménard
Yves-Alain Peter
André-Marie Tremblay
Claude Bourbonnais
Denis Morris
Dominique Drouin
René Côté
Patrick Fournier
Vincent Aimez
François Boone
Serge Charlebois
Frédéric Sirois
Dominic H Ryan
Patanjali Kambhampati
Richard Chromik
Thomas Szkopek
Walter Reisner
William A. Coish
David Cooke
Jack Clayton Sankey
Oussama Moutanabbir
Richard Arès
Luc Fréchette
Jeffrey Quilliam
Paul G. Charette
Stéphane Kéna-Cohen
Kirk H. Bevan
Tamar Pereg-Barnea
Hassan Maher
Ion Garate
Julien Sylvestre
David Danovitch
Yelena Simine
Stefanos Kourtis
Songrui Zhao
Kartiek Agarwal
Stephan Reuter
Samuel Cole Huberman
Funding sources:
FRQNT/Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies (FQRNT)
Grant programs:
PVXXXXXX-(RS) Programme de regroupements stratégiques
Étude des décharges impulsionnelles dans et en contact avec l'eau par spectroscopie et imagerie ultrarapide à rayons X Projet de recherche au Canada / 2024 - 2028
Lead researcher :
Ahmad Hamdan
Étude des décharges impulsionnelles dans et en contact avec l'eau par spectroscopie et imagerie ultrarapide à rayons X Projet de recherche au Canada / 2024 - 2028
Lead researcher :
Ahmad Hamdan
Funding sources:
FRQNT/Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies (FQRNT)
CRSNG/Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et génie du Canada (CRSNG)
Grant programs:
PVXXXXXX-Programme NOVA pour chercheur(e)s de la relève (partenariat avec CRSNG)
PVXXXXXX-Programme NOVA pour chercheur(e)s de la relève (partenariat avec FRQNT)
Investigation of the Plasma-droplet interactions: application in nanoparticle synthesis Projet de recherche au Canada / 2024 - 2026
Funding sources:
CRSNG/Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et génie du Canada (CRSNG)
Grant programs:
PVXXXXXX-Subventions Alliance - International Catalyseur
Nouveaux procédés basés sur un réacteur-injecteur de nanoparticules pour le dépôt par plasma de couches minces nanocomposites multifonctionnelles (RI-plasma) Projet de recherche au Canada / 2021 - 2025
Lead researcher :
Luc Stafford
Funding sources:
FRQNT/Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies (FQRNT)
Grant programs:
PV113724-(PR) Projets de recherche en équipe (et possibilité d'équipement la première année)
Infrastructure de recherche sur les plasmas multiphasiques Projet de recherche au Canada / 2021 - 2025
Lead researcher :
Ahmad Hamdan
Funding sources:
Université de Montréal
Grant programs:
PVXXXXXX-FEI sans restriction
Traitement de l’eau par plasma pour l’agriculture urbaine Projet de recherche au Canada / 2023 - 2024
Lead researcher :
Ahmad Hamdan
Funding sources:
Grant programs:
PVXXXXXX-Stage Accélération Québec - MITACS
Plasmas in- and in-contact with liquids: fundamental investigations and applications in nanomaterial synthesis and liquid processing Projet de recherche au Canada / 2018 - 2024
Lead researcher :
Ahmad Hamdan
Funding sources:
CRSNG/Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et génie du Canada (CRSNG)
Grant programs:
PVXXXXXX-(DGECR) Tremplin vers la découverte
Bulk synthesis of nanomaterials and plasma-based techniques Projet de recherche au Canada / 2020 - 2021
Lead researcher :
Ahmad Hamdan
Co-researchers :
Min Suk Cha
Funding sources:
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Grant programs:
Supplément COVID-19 CRSNG_Plasmas in and in contact with liquids: fundamental investigations and applications in nanomaterial synthesis and liquid processing Projet de recherche au Canada / 2020 - 2021
Lead researcher :
Ahmad Hamdan
Funding sources:
CRSNG/Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et génie du Canada (CRSNG)
Grant programs:
PVXXXXXX-Supplément à l’appui des étudiants, des stagiaires postdoctoraux et du personnel de soutien à la recherche COVID-19
Infrastructure de recherche sur les plasmas multiphasiques Projet de recherche au Canada / 2018 - 2021
Lead researcher :
Ahmad Hamdan
Funding sources:
FCI/Fondation canadienne pour l'innovation
Grant programs:
PVXXXXXX-Fonds des leaders
Bulk Synthesis of nanomaterials and plasma-based techniques Projet de recherche au Canada / 2019 - 2020
Lead researcher :
Ahmad Hamdan
Co-researchers :
Min Suk Cha
Funding sources:
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Grant programs:
Development of combustion-based approaches for nanoparticles synthesis Projet de recherche au Canada / 2018 - 2019
Lead researcher :
Ahmad Hamdan
Co-researchers :
Min Suk Cha
Funding sources:
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Grant programs:
Publications Expand all Collapse all
- Hamdan, A; Diamond, J*; Herrmann, A*. (2021). Dynamics of a pulsed negative nanosecond discharge on water surface and comparison with the positive discharge.Journal of Physics Communications. https://doi.org/10.1088/2399-6528/abe953
- Mohammadi, K., & Hamdan, A. (2021). Spark discharges in liquid heptane in contact with silver nitrate solution: Investigation of the synthesized particles. Plasma Processes and Polymers, 18(10), 2100083. https://doi.org/10.1002/ppap.202100083
- Glad, X*; Gorry, J*; Cha, M S; Hamdan, A. (2021). Synthesis of core–shell copper–graphite submicronic particles and carbon nano-onions by spark discharges in liquid hydrocarbons.Scientific Reports. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-87222-x
- Merciris, T*; Valensi, F; Hamdan, A. (2021). Synthesis of nickel and cobalt oxide nanoparticles by pulsed under water spark discharges.Journal of Applied Physics. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0040171
- Hamdan, A; Diamond, J*. (2021). Electrical and optical characterization of a pulsed discharge in immiscible layered liquids: n-heptane and water with various electrical conductivity.Plasma Sources Science and Technology. https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6595/abfbe8
- Hamdan A, Liu J L, Cha M S. (2021). Transformation of n-heptane using an in-liquid submerged microwave plasma jet of argon.Journal of Applied Physics. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0036041
- Agati M, Boninelli S, Hamdan A. (2021). Atomic Scale Microscopy unveils the Growth Mechanism of 2D-like CuO Nanoparticle agglomerates produced via Electrical Discharges in Water.Materials Chemistry and Physics. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matchemphys.2021.124244
- Hamdan, A; Liu, J L. (2021). Scenario of carbon-encapsulated particle synthesis by spark discharges in liquid hydrocarbons.Plasma Processes and Polymers. https://doi.org/10.1002/ppap.202100013
- Hamdan, A; El Abiad, D*; Cha, M S. (2021). Synthesis of silicon and silicon carbide nanoparticles by pulsed electrical discharges in dielectric liquids. Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, 41(6), 1647-1660. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11090-021-10205-3
- Glad X*, Profili J*, Cha M S, Hamdan A. (2020). Synthesis of copper and copper oxide nanomaterials by electrical discharges in water with various electrical conductivities.Journal of Applied Physics. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5129647
- Hamdan A, Gorry J*, Merciris T*, Margot J. (2020). Electrical characterization of positive and negative pulsed nanosecond discharges in water coupled with timeresolved light detection.Journal of Applied Physics. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0010387
- Merciris T*, Valensi F, Hamdan A. (2020). Determination of the electrical circuit equivalent to a pulsed discharge in water: assessment of the temporal evolution of electron density and temperature.IEEE trans. plasma science. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9180000
- Hamdan A, Glad X*, Cha MS. (2020). Synthesis of copper and copper oxide nanomaterials by pulsed electric field in water with various electrical conductivities.Nanomaterials. https://doi.org/10.3390/nano10071347
- Merciris T*, Hamdan A, Dorval A*, Valensi F. (2020). Simplified Spark Pulser for Nanoparticles Generation.IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9204755
- Hamdan A, Agati M, Boninelli S. (2020). Selective synthesis of 2D mesoporous CuO agglomerates by pulsed spark discharge in water.Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11090-020-10126-7
- Hamdan A, Ridani D*, Diamond J*, Daghrir R. (2020). Pulsed nanosecond air discharge in contact with water: Influence of voltage polarity, amplitude, pulse width, and gap distance.Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6463/ab8fde
- Hamdan A, Diamond J*, Stafford L. (2020). Time-resolved imaging of pulsed positive nanosecond discharge on water surface: plasma dots guided by water surface.Plasma Sources Science and Technology. https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6595/abbd87
- Hamdan A, Gagnon C*, Aykul M*, Profili J*. (2019). Characterization of a microwave plasma jet (TIAGO) in-contact with water: Application in degradation of methylene blue dye.Plasma Processes and Polymers. https://doi.org/10.1002/ppap.201900157
- Hamdan A, Profili J*, Cha M S. (2019). Microwave plasma jet in water: effect of water electrical conductivity on plasma characteristics.Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11090-019-10034-5
- J Diamond, J Profili, A Hamdan (2019) Characterization of various air plasma discharge modes in contact with water and their effect on the degradation of reactive dyes. Plasma Chem Plasma Process 1-16. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11090-019-10014-9
- A Hamdan, J L Liu, M S Cha (2018). Microwave plasma jet in water: characterization and feasibility to wastewater treatment. Plasma Chem Plasma Process 1-18. link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11090-018-9918-y
- A Hamdan, M S Cha (2018). Carbon-based nanomaterial synthesis using nanosecond electrical discharges in immiscible layered liquids: n-heptane and water. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 51 244003 (9pp). iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1361-6463/aac46f/pdf
- A Hamdan, H Kabbara, C Noel, J Ghanbaja, A Redjaimia, T Belmonte (2018). Synthesis of two-dimensional lead sheets by spark discharge in liquid nitrogen. Particuology (In Press). (www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674200118300300)
- J-L Liu, H W Park, A Hamdan, M S Cha (2018). In-liquid arc plasma jet and its application to phenol degradation. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 51 114005 (9pp) (iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1361-6463/aaada2/meta)
- R.K. Gangwar, A. Hamdan, L. Stafford (2017). Nanoparticle synthesis by high-density plasma sustained in liquid organosilicon precursors. Journal of Applied Physics 122, 243301 (aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/1.5006479)
- A Hamdan, M S Cha, R Abdul Halim, D Anjum (2017). Synthesis of SiOC:H nanoparticles by electrical discharge in hexamethyldisilazane and water. Plasma Processes and Polymers 14 (12) (onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ppap.201700089/full)
- A Hamdan, H Kabbara, M-A Courty, M S Cha, T Belmonte (2017). Multi-Strands synthesis of carbon-metal nanocomposites by discharges in heptane between two metallic electrodes. Plasma Chem Plasma Process 1-22. (link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11090-017-9816-8)
- A Hamdan, K Čerņevičs, M S Cha (2017). The effect of electrical conductivity on nanosecond discharges in distilled water and in methanol with argon bubbles. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 50 185207 (8pp) (iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1361-6463/aa6969)
- A Hamdan, F Valade, J Margot, F Vidal, J-P Matte (2017). Space and time structure of helium pulsed surface-wave discharges at intermediate pressures (5 - 50 Torr). Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 26 015001 (10pp). (iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/0963-0252/26/1/015001)
- G Al Makdessi, A Hamdan, J Margot, Richard Clergereaux (2017). Measurement of negatively-charged species by laser-induced photodetachment in a magnetically confined low-pressure argon-acetylene plasma. Journal Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 26(8), 085001 (9pp). (iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1361-6595/aa7806/meta)
- A Hamdan, M S Cha (2016). Low-dielectric layer increases nanosecond electric discharges in distilled water. AIP Advances 6, 105112. (scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/adva/6/10/10.1063/1.4966589)
- A Hamdan, M S Cha (2016). Nanosecond Discharge in Bubbled Liquid n-Heptane: Effects of Gas Composition and Water Addition. IEEE Trans. Plas. Sci. 4(12), 2988-2994. (ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7556309/)
- A Hamdan, M Cha (2016). The effects of gaseous bubble composition and gap distance on the characteristics of nanosecond discharges in distilled water. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 49, 245203. (iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/0022-3727/49/24/245203/pdf)
- A Hamdan, G Makdessi, J Margot (2016). Deposition of a-C:H films by RF magnetized plasma in Ar/C2H2 mixture at very low pressure. Thin Solid Films, 599, 84-97. (www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0040609015013073)
- A Hamdan, M Cha (2015). Ignition modes of nanosecond discharge with bubbles in distilled water. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 48 (40), 405206. (iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/0022-3727/48/40/405206)
- A Hamdan, J Margot, F Vidal, J-P Matte (2015). Characterization of helium surface-wave plasmas at intermediate pressures (5–50 Torr): temperatures and density of metastable atoms in the 23S level. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 48(3), 035202. (iopscience.iop.org/0022-3727/48/3/035202)
- M S Daoud, A Hamdan, J Margot (2015). Influence of surrounding gas, composition and pressure on plasma plume dynamics of nanosecond pulsed laser-induced aluminum plasmas. AIP Advances 5, 107143. (scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/adva/5/10/10.1063/1.4935100)
- M S Daoud, A Hamdan, J Margot (2015). Axial- and radial-resolved electron density and excitation temperature of aluminum plasma induced by nanosecond laser: Effect of the ambient gas composition and pressure. AIP Advances 5, 117136. (scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/adva/5/11/10.1063/1.4936251)
- A Hamdan, C Noël, J Ghanbaja, T Belmonte (2014). Comparison of aluminium nanostructures created by discharges in various dielectric liquids. Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, 1 – 14. (link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11090-014-9564-y)
- A Hamdan, I Marinov, A Rousseau, T Belmonte (2014). Microdischarge ignition in liquid heptane. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 42 2616–2617. (ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp)
- A Hamdan, C Noël, T Belmonte (2014). Synthesis of carbon fibres by electrical discharges in heptane. Materials Letters 135 115–118. (www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167577X14014268)
- A Hamdan, I Marinov, A Rousseau, T Belmonte (2014). Time-resolved imaging of nanosecond-pulsed micro-discharges in heptane, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 47 055203 (8pp). (iopscience.iop.org/0022-3727/47/5/055203)
- T Belmonte, A Hamdan, F Kosior, C Noel, G Henrion (2014). Interaction of discharges with electrode surfaces in dielectric liquids: application to nanoparticles synthesis. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 47 224016. (iopscience.iop.org/0022-3727/47/22/224016)
- J-N Audinot, A Hamdan, P Grysan, Y Fleming, C Noel, F Kosior, G Henrion, T Belmonte (2014). Combined SIMS and AFM study of complex structures of streamers on metallic multi-layers. Surface and Interface Analysis, 46 397–400. (onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/sia.5635/abstract)
- A Hamdan, C Noël, F Kosior, G Henrion, T Belmonte (2013). Impacts created on various materials by micro-discharges in heptane: influence of the dissipated charge. Journal of Applied Physics 113, 043301. (scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/113/4/10.1063/1.4780786)
- A Hamdan, C Noël, F Kosior, G Henrion, T Belmonte (2013). Dynamics of bubbles created by plasma in heptane for micro-gap conditions. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 134 (2) 991–1000
- A Hamdan, C Noël, J Ghanbaja, S Migot-Choux, T Belmonte (2013). Synthesis of platinum embedded in amorphous carbon by micro-gap discharge in heptane. Materials Chemistry and Physics 142 199-206
- A Hamdan, F Kosior, C Noel, G Henrion, J-N Audinot, T Belmonte (2013). Plasma-surface interaction in heptane. Journal of Applied Physics, 113, 213303
- A Hamdan, J-N Audinot, C Noël, F Kosior, G Henrion, T Belmonte (2013). Interaction of streamer in heptane with metallic multi-layers. Journal of Appl. Surf. Sci. 274 378 – 391
- A Hamdan, J-N Audinot, S Migot-Choux, C Noel, F Kosior, G Henrion, T Belmonte (2013). Interaction of discharges in heptane with carpets of carbon nanotubes. Advanced Engineering Materials, 15 885 – 892
Additional Information
- Microwave plasma jet in water: characterization and feasibility to wastewater treatment
- Carbon-based nanomaterial synthesis using nanosecond electrical discharges in immiscible layered liquids: n-heptane and water
- Ignition modes of nanosecond discharge with bubbles in distilled water
- Comparison of aluminium nanostructures created by discharges in various dielectric liquids
- Time-resolved imaging of pulsed positive nanosecond discharge on water surface: plasma dots guided by water surface
- Synthesis of core–shell copper–graphite submicronic particles and carbon nano-onions by spark discharges in liquid hydrocarbo
- Transformation of n-heptane using an in-liquid submerged microwave plasma jet of argon
- Electrical and optical characterization of a pulsed discharge in immiscible layered liquids: n-heptane and water with various
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